Wisconsin Director of Nursing Council - Education Forum Inc.
Wisconsin Director of Nursing Council, Inc.
Membership / Support Call / Discussion Board / Workspace / Newsletters / Educational Events Rules and Guidelines*
Wisconsin Director of Nursing Council - Education Forum Inc.'s ("WDONC") Membership and Non-Member Participants (collectively, "Members") can be approved or disapproved upon application.
We maintain the right to remove membership at any time.
WDONC's discussion board, Support Call, workspaces, events and listserves ("Listserves") are an open forum for Members to freely share their knowledge and questions about the long-term care continuum topics. All Members are welcome to participate, regardless of their level of experience.
Listserves are a great medium with which to solicit the advice of your peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in an ongoing conversation. We hope WDONC's Listserves will provide a useful and informative means of communicating with your fellow WDONC Members!
Send questions regarding the discussion board and Listserves to Melissa Montgomery (Melissa@WI-DON-Council.org), Executive Coordinator.
Lively and candid exchanges are encouraged. By joining and using this discussion forum you agree that you have read and will comply with the following rules and guidelines:
Listserves Rules
- Don't challenge or attack others. The discussions on the lists are meant to stimulate conversation, not create contention.
- All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything in a Listserve message that you would not want the world to see. Remember that every message posted will be received as an e-mail by every subscriber to the list; this could include your clients and employers! Once sent, messages cannot be recalled. All posts will be permanently archived.
- Restrict messages to subjects related to the listed topic.
- Don't post commercial messages on any Listserve. Contact people directly with product and service information if you believe it would help them.
- Use caution when discussing products. Information posted on the lists is available for all to see, and comments are subject to libel, slander, and antitrust laws.
- Note carefully any copyright ownership information that may prohibit sharing the information on the Listserve.
- Remember that WDONC and other e-mail list participants have the right to reproduce postings to this Listserve.
- Send your message only to the most appropriate list(s). Do not send the same message to several lists.
- Remember that the WDONC Listserves are for WDONC Members only; therefore, do not cross-post messages from the WDONC Listserves to other lists.
Policy on Violation of Listserve Rules
- WDONC reserves the right to suspend or terminate membership on all lists for Members who violate the Listserve rules, without refund of membership.
- When violations of the Listserve rules are brought to the attention of the administrator of the Web and Internet technology:
- The organization will send an e- mail to the Member in violation reminding him or her of the Listserve rules and warning that future violation will lead to suspension from all WDONC lists.
- If a second violation occurs the violator will be removed from all WDONC Listserves.
- Violators who have been removed from the Listserve may appeal in writing to the WDONC Executive Committee to be reinstated.
- Appeals must be made within 30 days from the date of the suspension.
- The WDONC Executive Committee will consider the appeal and inform the violator of the decision related to reinstatement.
- The WDONC Executive Committee decisions are final.
Listserve Etiquette
- Be courteous.
- Include a signature tag on all messages. Include your name, affiliation, location, and e-mail address.
- State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line. This allows Members to respond more appropriately to your posting and enables Members to search the archives by subject.
- Include only the relevant portions of the original message in your reply. Delete any header information, and put your response before the original posting.
- Send a message to the entire list only when it contains information from which everyone can benefit. The default for WDONC's lists is to reply to everyone on the listserv.
- Send messages such as "thanks for the information" or "me, too" to individuals-- not to the entire list.
- Do not send administrative messages, such as "remove me from the list," through the Listserve. To unsubscribe, send an e-mail requesting to be unsubscribed to Melissa@WI-DON-Council.org, or follow the instructions on the Listserve page of the WDONC Web site. Be sure to indicate from which list you wish to unsubscribe (there are multiple lists).
- If you are changing e-mail addresses, you do not need to remove yourself from the list and rejoin under your new e-mail address. Simply change your Member profile or contact Melissa@WI-DON-Council.org.
- When generating a reply to a personal response, do not forward the personal response to the list without first obtaining permission from the sender.
Disclaimers and Legal Rules
- These Listserves are provided as a service of WDONC. WDONC is not responsible for the opinions and information posted on this site by others; postings represent the viewpoint of the writer and are not endorsed by WDONC. WDONC disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted on this site, whether posted by WDONC or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall WDONC be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site.
- Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By posting material, the posting party warrants and represents that he or she owns the copyright with respect to such material or has received permission from the copyright owner. In addition, the posting party grants WDONC and users of this list the nonexclusive right and license to display, copy, publish, distribute, transmit, print, and use such information or other material.
- Do not post on protected health information on the Listservices.
- Messages should not be posted if they encourage or facilitate Members to arrive at any agreement that either implies or expressly or implicitly leads to price fixing, a boycott of another's business, or other conduct intended to illegally restrict free trade. Messages that encourage or facilitate an agreement about the following subjects are inappropriate: prices, discounts, or terms or conditions of sale; salaries; profits, profit margins, or cost data; market shares, sales territories, or markets; allocation of customers or territories; or selection, rejection, or termination of customers or suppliers.
- This site is provided as a service for Members. WDONC is not responsible for the opinions and information posted on this site by others.
- WDONC does not actively monitor the site for inappropriate postings and does not on its own undertake editorial control of postings. However, in the event that any inappropriate posting is brought to WDONC's attention, WDONC will take all appropriate action.
- WDONC reserves the right to terminate access to any user who does not abide by these guidelines.
Disclosure of waiver of liability for Support Calls, Newsletters, Online and In-Person Educational Opportunities
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary state or implied in any of the materials available herein, WDONC, its contractors, presenters, or volunteers cannot and do not make any representation, warranty, endorsement or guarantee, express or implied, regarding (i) the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of any such information, facts or opinions or (ii) the merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose thereof, nor shall any of such materials be deemed the giving of legal advisors, applicable regulatory entities and other sources of legal information and advice for any opinions or recommendations with respect to their own legal situation. Neither WDONC nor its contractors or volunteers or presenters shall be liable to you or any other person or entity for any loss or injury or any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or similar damages, or any other damages of any nature whatsoever, arising out of any of the materials (or any portion thereof) contained or not contained herein.
You hereby waive any and all claims against WDONC and its employees, contractors, volunteers or presenters arising out of your use of the information contained herein. We have provided URL addresses to internet sites maintained by third parties. Neither WDONC nor its employees, contractors, volunteers or presenters arising operates or controls in any respect any information, products or services on these sites, or endorses or makes any representation or warranty regarding these sites. You assume total responsibility and risk.
WDONC reserves the right to update the terms of agreement of this listserv at any time. An email notice will be sent. Once you agree to the terms of service it will apply to future updates unless you contact WDONC in writing. If you do not agree with the terms of service WDONC cannot allow access to the available offerings.
Approved by WDONC's executive committee on [_5/25/23_].